There has never been a better time to download a few mods and get stuck in. With Steam Workshop support coming soon, the future of modding for Master of Magic is bright. It’s part of the reason why I pushed so hard for this series. Categories Points Shop News Labs All Games > Strategy Games > Slitherine Franchise > Master of Magic Community Hub Master of Magic Take up the role of a great wizard, wield powerful spells, command fantasy races and challenge your rivals in this remake of a cult turn-based strategy classic. It’s therefore heartening to see so much work has already been done, considering the newness of the game. I’ve always admired the work and attention that goes into each and every mod that gets made for a game like Master of Magic. Of course, making expansive mods takes a lot of time.

Mythical Realms shows all the early promise of the large “ Mod packs” that exist for the original game and, it is our hope that people will try these mods out and help them to be just as successful. To this end, the game has been made highly accessible to modders and, in just the short amount of time since the remake’s launch, we’re already seeing excellent mods that add new content, balance changes, technical tweaks and more. We hope to continue that legacy forward into the future. This is where early modders stepped in - fixing bugs, adding content, building a legacy that stretches all the way to the present day. When the last patch came out, many issues sadly remained unresolved and the fans were left wanting both more and better. The original Master of Magic, which came out nearly 30 years ago, was released as a brilliant but technically challenged game. Last week, we’ve taken a look at a new content mod for Master of Magic - Mythical Realms.